a common forum for the high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy and ancillary instrumentation community
Main goals
- The coordination of scientific and technological activities for frontline research
- The optimization of the sharing, design, construction and maintenance of the resources
To promote
the optimum use of the resources
- through the pooling of distributed equipment for large-scale projects
the development of new technologies
the collaboration for the maintenance of detectors
- by enhancing detector labs synergies
the transfer of knowledge
- with training courses for young researchers
- through the exchange of key personnel
collaborative ventures
- between experimental research groups
- between experimentalists and theoreticians
To Coordinate
the design and construction
- of ancillary devices taking into account mechanical design compatibility
the development
- of data acquisition and electronics
the integration
- of gamma detectors and ancillaries
This network has strong links with all TNA’s and the Joint Research Activities JRA04 (INDESYS), JRA05 (SiNuRSE), JRA08 (EWIRA), and JRA07 (THEXO).
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