Task 1
Co-ordination of Scientific Activities and Dissemination
These activities will be carried out by the Scientific Committee (SC) which will be composed of representatives from the different collaborations for gamma-ray spectroscopy. The SC will have two meetings per year.
- Subtask 1: Setup of Scientific Committee and Working Groups
- Subtask 2: Setup of the website
The website will provide the community with information regarding potential opportunities at the European Infrastructures and will be used to disseminate the knowledge and technologies of the gamma-ray spectroscopy community to society.
- Subtask 3: Co-ordination and organization of experimental campaigns
to ensure the efficient and innovative use of the resources at the various infrastructures; to encourage the pooling of distributed equipment to enhance synergies between complementary resources for common large-scale projects. To promote collaborative ventures.
- Subtask 4: Co-ordination with hosting infrastructures
to bring together gamma-spectroscopy collaborations and the management of the hosting infrastructures for an exchange of information that ensure the best exploitation of the opportunities provided by the different laboratories. To identify key aspects, synergies and complementarities of the facilities. To coordinate timelines and resources for the physics campaigns.
The Scientific Committee (SC)
is composed of representatives from the different collaborations for gamma-ray spectroscopy, takes care of the co-ordination and organization of experimental campaigns: to ensure the efficient and innovative use of the resources at the various infrastructures; to encourage the pooling of distributed equipment to enhance synergies between complementary resources for common large-scale projects. To promote collaborative ventures and dissemination of the results.
Coordination with hosting infrastructures
The coordinator assures the co-ordination with hosting infrastructures bringing together gamma-spectroscopy collaborations and the management of the hosting infrastructures for an exchange of information that ensure the best exploitation of the opportunities provided by the different laboratories. To identify key aspects, synergies and complementarities of the facilities. To coordinate timelines and resources for the physics campaigns.
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