Task 2: Co-ordination on Ancillary Instrumentation
Working Group 2
Cooperation on designing and building the electronics and data acquisition and on the mechanical integration.
Convener: Sergio Brambilla (INFN and University of Milano)
Participants: Diego Barrientos (IFIC Valencia),
Didier Beaumel (IPNO Orsay),
Piotr Bednarczyk (IFJ-PAN Cracow),
Adam Czermak (IFJ-PAN Cracow),
Andres Gadea (IFIC Valencia),
Adam Maj (IFJ-PAN Cracow),
Daniele Mengoni (INFN, Univ. Padova),
Jan Mierzejewski (HIL, Univ. Warsaw),
Victor Modamio (INFN-LNL Legnaro),
Pawel J. Napiorkowski (HIL, Univ. Warsaw),
Johan Nyberg (Univ. Uppsala),
Marcin Palacz (HIL, Univ. Warsaw),
Francesco Recchia (INFN, Univ. Padova),
Andrea Triossi (INFN, Univ. Padova),
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon (INFN-LNL Legnaro),
Miroslaw Zieblinski (IFJ-PAN Cracow).
- PROMETEO Workshop on Front-End Electronics for gamma and complementary detector systems
IFIC, Valencia, Spain, 17-18 November 2011
The workshop was aimed to discussing the future sampling Front-End Electronics for gamma, neutrons and light-charged particles detector arrays, emphasizing the capability to couple
the instruments and on the synergies among FEE systems. The detectors under design or construction had been as well briefly introduced mainly on their technical aspects. The synergies of NEDA, TRACE, DIAMANT, and other complementary detectors
with the AGATA, EXOGAM2, GALILEO and PARIS gamma- array projects had been thoroughly discussed.
These workshops ambitions to promote the discussions to create synergies between Gamma and Complementary detector instrumentation at the Front-Electronics Level.
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